Pain Control

Though we always address any pain that is noted on physical exam, even when we have been called just to administer vaccines or to check a nonpainful ailment, we are also available to come specifically for a Pain Control Consultation.

Our doctors and technicians are driven by the desire to eliminate pain in our pets!  We have pursued additional training and continuing education in the latest pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain control methods.  Chronic pain from arthritis, neurologic disease, muscular conditions or cancer can – and should – be controlled.

We can help characterize and quantify the pain your dog or cat is experiencing and teach you how to monitor for improvements or worsening of that pain. We use various pain scales to try – as best as veterinary medicine can offer for a nonverbal species – to help you track our treatment progress. 

Some of the modalities we are very experienced with include:

  • Medications – both prescription and nonprescription

  • Supplements – herbal, nutraceutical, other

  • Laser therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Hot and cold therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise, stretching, massage, and other rehabilitation techniques