Quality of Life
If you are unsure if there are options to improve your pet’s comfort and quality of life or if you are struggling to decide whether euthanasia is the right choice, you may benefit from consulting with our veterinarians. While you are always the ultimate decision-maker for your pet, a home visit may help you consider all options for your pet’s comfort, quality of life, and end-of-life care.
A Quality of Life Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of your pet’s physical and psychological state and how they cope with age or disease. It also considers the caregiver’s quality of life as well. An assessment may help you make a euthanasia decision and determine if the most loving thing you can do for them is to say goodbye peacefully in their home. A quality-of-life assessment may also help determine if your pet may benefit from palliative or hospice care. Hospice care may significantly improve your pet’s life and often improve your life for some time. Sometimes, a simple change in a treatment plan can make a world of difference.
A typical appointment may last 1 to 2 hours. We will perform the examination and give you and your pet our undivided attention. We may also walk you through a quality-of-life scale and teach you how to note changes in your pet’s physical or mental status. You can discuss your pet’s condition, how it affects you, and what you may struggle with in your decision-making process.
Our veterinarians will never recommend hospice strictly to lengthen your pet’s life if their comfort, pain, or related issues cannot be effectively managed through a hospice plan. We will always be very open and honest with you regarding your pet’s condition and whether hospice care is a reasonable option.
Sometimes, a simple change in treatment plan can drastically alter the course of things, moving you away from considering hospice or euthanasia and allowing you to enjoy much more time than you expected. When this happens, it is joyful! It doesn’t happen daily, but it happens more often than expected. It can be a real gift to people and their pets and is our favorite outcome!
If you are interested in a quality-of-life assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 503-281-1631 or use our contact form.